// inicio


• Hacer un diagnóstico de los riesgos alimentarios prevalentes en la región transfronteriza de Galicia-Norte de Portugal. Evaluar el impacto potencial de la oferta de nuevas herramientas analíticas en la prevención de accidentes alimentarios.

• Promover la colaboración entre los diferentes actores de la cadena agroalimentaria mediante el establecimiento de una red multidisciplinaria transfronteriza, capaz de promover una mayor competitividad y proyección internacional.

• Desarrollar nuevos sensores analíticos para detectar algunos de los principales problemas en términos de seguridad alimentaria, a saber, los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP), las biopelículas bacterianas, los alérgenos, las micotoxinas y las microalgas tóxicas, capaces de suplir las deficiencias del sector agroalimentario. Los nuevos sensores deben caracterizarse por altos niveles de velocidad, sensibilidad y especificidad, la posibilidad de miniaturización y automatización y la capacidad de proporcionar resultados en tiempo real.

• Llevar a cabo una demostración in situ de las herramientas analíticas desarrolladas en los diferentes sectores de la cadena de valor agroalimentaria, a fin de evaluar su eficacia y promover las "mejoras" que puedan resultar necesarias.


Objetivos temáticos y prioridades de inversión.

-Promover la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación;

-Mejora la competitividad de las pymes

-Promover la adaptación al cambio climático y la prevención y gestión de riesgos.

-Mejora la capacidad institucional de las autoridades públicas y partes interesadas en la eficiencia de Administración pública.


Ana Garcia Cabado

Coordinator of the FOODSENS project and Principal Investigator. Its function in the project is the technical coordination for the execution of the activities and achievement of the proposed objectives, the supervision and scientific support to the partners, intercommunication and knowledge transfer.

Ana Gonçalves


Gonzalo Ojea

He is responsible for administrative, financial coordination and interlocutor with the Joint Secretariat of POCTEP.

Graça Minas

Associate Professor and Team Coordinator at University of Minho, will provide expertise in the lab-on-a-chip devices with on-chip integration of electronic circuits, optical filters and sensors, useful for the development of toxic phytoplankton identification sensor.

Gustavo Bodelon

A researcher of CINBIO

Isabel Pastoriza

A researcher of CINBIO

Javier Escayo

Es el responsable de la gestión financiera del proyecto.

João Santos

He has been involved in the synthesis and application of binary and ternary semiconductor quantum dots as sensing devices. His function is the development of fluorimetric sensors for mycotoxins and allergens.

Jorge Lago

His function is to provide scientific support in the diagnosis of food risks, study of analytical methodologies and current needs, collection of samples and in the development and validation of sensors.

Jorge Perez Juste

A researcher of CINBIO

José Fernandes

He is an expert in food chemistry and chromatographic analysis. In the Foodsens Project he will be responsible for the validation of analytical methods based on quantum DOTs sensors.

Juan Rodríguez Herrera

Researcher of SCIC-Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas

Lorena Vazquez

A researcher of CINBIO

Lucía Blanco

Her function is to collaborate in the management and technical coordination and in the communication activities. He also collaborates giving scientific support in diagnostic studies, analytical methodologies and validation of sensors.

Lúcia Saraiva

Involved in the study of the immobilization of the probe in solid supports (study of the performance of the different types of supports (paper, glass or polymers) and of different immobilization techniques.

Luis Gonçalves

Auxiliary Professor at University of Minho, will provide expertise on design, fabrication and characterization of phytoplankton sensor as well in the development of the microelectronic, optoelectronic and data communication.

Marta López Cabo

Researcher of SCIC-Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas

Paulo Sousa

Auxiliary researcher at University of Minho, will provide expertise in fabrication of SU?8 molds and PDMS microfluidic devices. He has a strong and successful experience in design, fabrication and characterization of lab-on-a-chip devices with integrated optical systems.

Rogério Amorim

From Leicar team will be involved in diagnostic and also in the transference of knowledge.

Rui Lapa

A researcher of REQUIMTE/FFUP

Rui Sousa

He is the lead of Leicar team. The Leicar team will be task leader in the diagnostic and will be also involved in the transference of knowledge.

Sara Cunha

She lead researcher of ICETA team. Sara is an expert in food chemistry and contaminant analysis. The ICETA team will be task leader in development and validation of quantum Dots based sensors for contaminant analysis.

Vânia Pindo

Post-doc researcher at University of Minho, will provide expertise for morphological and spectral characterization of toxic phytoplankton and develop a sensor for its differentiation. She has a high knowledge about development lab-on-a-chip essential to successful perform the purpose microfluidic system